IFT News & Publications

image of tomatoes on the vine

Beefing Up the Benefits of Tomatoes

Hear from an Ohio State researcher who's probing the vegetable's potential for human health and working to maximize its nutritional advantage.
June 14, 2024
Tony Hunter

Forward Focus

From AI to genomics, futurist Tony Hunter foresees technology plotting a road map to a healthier, sustainable food system.
July 1, 2024
Tony Hunter

Forward Focus

From AI to genomics, futurist Tony Hunter foresees technology plotting a road map to a healthier, sustainable food system.
July 1, 2024
image of tomatoes on the vine

Beefing Up the Benefits of Tomatoes

Hear from an Ohio State researcher who's probing the vegetable's potential for human health and working to maximize its nutritional advantage.
June 14, 2024

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